Revision file
Example Revision File
Below is an example of a revision file that gets generated by the liminal autogenerate
command. This flow was heavily inspired by the Alembic migration workflow. When liminal upgrade
is run, the operations in the upgrade()
function are executed and when liminal downgrade
is run, the operations in the downgrade()
function are executed. Each revision is linearly linked to a previous revision, creating a timeline of revisions/operations. This allows for the user to traverse the history of their Benchling model.
Revision ID: c3a9cd009713
Revises: d28335bffaba
Create Date: 2024-10-26 10:33:26.390965
import liminal.external as b
# revision identifiers, used by Liminal.
revision = "c3a9cd009713"
down_revision = "d28335bffaba"
# ### commands auto generated by Liminal - please review (and adjust if needed)! ###
def upgrade() -> list[b.BaseOperation]:
return [b.ArchiveEntitySchemaField('pizza', 'dough')]
# ### commands auto generated by Liminal - please review (and adjust if needed)! ###
def downgrade() -> list[b.BaseOperation]:
return [b.UnarchiveEntitySchemaField('pizza', 'dough')]